See the Difference Our Water Treatment Systems Make

Better Tasting Food and Water

The immediate and most noticeable difference from having clean water is – the taste! At American Water Treatment Services, we make sure that your water is crisp and pure. You will no longer gag at a glass of tap water. Enjoy delicious water straight from the tap without the hassle of water bottles or flimsy filters. Clean water also enhances the flavor or your morning coffee and afternoon tea. Eliminate bad flavors and off putting odors so that you can enjoy the purest flavors.

A Cleaner, Healthier Home

Well filtered, soft water helps eliminate soap scum buildup bathtub and shower. Soft water also maximizes the effect of detergents and cleaning products. This means less mess and less chemicals to clean up the mess! Soft water is gentler on your fabrics. This leaves your clothes feeling softer and lasting longer. Our water treatment services also remove staining residue from the water that could ruin your clothes or build up on your appliances. Well filtered water also minimizes the calcium buildup on faucets. Call American Water Treatment Services to for a cleaner home using less chemicals!

Health and Beauty Benefits

Not only does pure water cut down on chemical cleaning agents and laundry detergent, soft purified water has other health benefits. Soft water leads to softer skin and healthier hair! You will not have to use nearly as much shampoo or soap to clean or bathe. Removing the sediment and hardness from your water makes the water less abrasive on your hair and skin. This results in smoother, more hydrated skin and hair that is soft to the touch.  
Beyond beauty, our thorough water treatment systems help remove harmful bacteria, build up, and micro-organisms that affect you and your family’s health. We remove harmful substances that take a toll on your day to day health. Well filtered water also protects those with a weakened immune system. Let us help you obtain the cleanest, healthiest water possible!

Health and Beauty Benefits

Not only does pure water cut down on chemical cleaning agents and laundry detergent, soft purified water has other health benefits. Soft water leads to softer skin and healthier hair! You will not have to use nearly as much shampoo or soap to clean or bathe. Removing the sediment and hardness from your water makes the water less abrasive on your hair and skin. This results in smoother, more hydrated skin and hair that is soft to the touch.  
Beyond beauty, our thorough water treatment systems help remove harmful bacteria, build up, and micro-organisms that affect you and your family’s health. We remove harmful substances that take a toll on your day to day health. Well filtered water also protects those with a weakened immune system. Let us help you obtain the cleanest, healthiest water possible!
For all the benefits and more, call American Water Treatment Services at: 910-944-3140

Frequently Asked Questions

If it smells you have a problem with Hydrogen Sulfide or Iron Bacteria. Most likely if you live in the Sandhill’s the cause is Iron Bacteria in your water. They can reduce well output and add unwanted odor or taste to well water, causing a nuisance for homeowners.

Iron bacteria often lend an unusual color to the water, like red, orange, yellow or brown stains.

They can taint the water with unpleasant flavors and odors that resemble oil, rotting vegetation, or eggs.

Iron Bacteria can be treated by removing the iron in the water using a water softener system. The water passes through a softener that removes the iron and the result is water free of the “rotten egg” smell. In addition the unwanted red, orange, yellows and brown stains are gone too.

Iron in your water is the most likely culprit. It stains faucets, sinks, bathtubs, countertops, appliances and even clothing. You can usually remove the iron with a home water conditioner.

In some instances, iron is present in such large amounts that a multi-stage filtration system is necessary to remove it. But don’t fret; your problem may appear worse than it really is. Iron in even small amounts can cause staining.

Water that is low in pH can have undesirable effects on plumbing fixtures and piping. Blue, green staining of fixtures is a common indication of acidic water. Copper pipe can be ruined by water low in pH and cause lead in the water if lead was used to join the pipes.

Low pH is also an issue in water treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to raise the pH of acidic water in order for other treatment strategies to apply. For example, oxidizing iron to prepare it for filtration is difficult if the pH of the water is low, so raising the pH of the water is often the first step in removing iron from well water.

According to a report issued by the Water Quality Research Council, water softeners do not have any detrimental effect on septic systems and may actually enhance their performance in certain situations by encouraging the growth of additional bacteria. In fact, the flow from the softener is typically less than the waste water discharged from an automatic washing machine. The studies credited the high levels of calcium and magnesium present (in the flow that results when the softener cleans itself) with improving soil percolation in many instances. These studies were conducted by scientists at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and the National Sanitation Foundation.

While it may feel a little different, the feeling of not being able to rinse enough is actually a benefit of your soft water. When bathing in hard water, soap reacts with the minerals in hard water to form a residue that is difficult to wash away. The “clean feeling” you feel when bathing with hard water is the residue on your skin. Additionally, magnesium and calcium, found in hard water, strip away your hair and skin’s natural oils. Without these oils, your skin feels cleaner when, in fact, is dryer and rougher from lack of natural oils. When washing in soft water, the hard calcium and magnesium minerals are removed preventing your body’s natural oils to be stripped away. Therefore, these oils remain present on your skin and hair causing you to feel a slippery sensation. While it may feel like you are rinsing for an eternity, expect to become accustomed to the feel of soft water within two weeks and begin to notice how much softer your skin and hair truly are.

Over 85% of the United States has hard water. Since hardness is really dissolved rock, the average family of four will have more than 15 pounds of rock per year in their water for each grain of hardness.

These mineral deposits in your home from hard water can:

  • Ruin water bearing appliances (cutting the life of washing machines, dishwashers, and hot water heaters by up to 50%)
  • Increase energy costs for water heaters by 1/3
  • Destroy faucets and fixtures (costing hundreds of dollars to replace)
  • Buildup scale on fixtures and shower doors
  • Clog plumbing (re-piping your home costs thousands of dollars)
  • Produce cloudy ice cubes
  • Make unsightly rings in the toilet and bathtub (soap scum)
  • Dry out skin and hair
  • Leave spots and stains on dishes and silverware
  • Turn white fabrics gray, fade colored laundry, and cause towels to feel hard and stiff
  • Require additional cleaning time and the use of environmentally unfriendly cleaning products with phosphates/water softening agent.

No, soft water actually protects your plumbing and water using appliances. According to the US EPA’s Thomas J. Sorg, softened water does not increase lead and copper leaching in household plumbing systems. As long as your water has a neutral pH, softening it will not make it corrosive. Water that does not fall into the neutral range should be neutralized even if it is not being softened. If it isn’t neutralized, it will typically cause corrosion, whether it’s hard or soft.

A water softener does not put salt into the water. It merely exchanges calcium ions in the water for sodium or potassium ions. The amount of sodium or potassium coming through in soft tap water is extremely low. For example, in 10 grain hard water, the amount of sodium in an 8 ounce glass of soft water is typically equivalent to the sodium in one slice of white bread. Soft water, by dietary standards, would be considered a “low sodium” beverage. Consumers may use potassium as a regenerant if they prefer not to clean out the system with sodium. Be sure to check on the efficiency of the water softener before using potassium as it is higher priced and 25% less efficient than sodium as a regenerant.

Your municipal supplier is not required to provide you with soft water. Many municipalities reduce the amount of hardness to some degree. But according to the U.S. Geological Survey, 85 percent of American homes are still supplied with hard water. Your municipality is required to provide you with water test results that show water hardness; just call the number on your water bill. Compare the figure they give you to the Water Quality Association hardness classification system to see if you have hard water.Many people that use city water choose to soften it to save money on soaps and cleaners, protect their plumbing systems and water using appliances from scale buildup, provide better water for bathing and eliminate hard water spots.

Most of the municipalities in the Sandhills are acquiring their water from wells and some of them do not treat the water to remove the acidity. Call the number on your water bill for the acidic level of your water.

Drinking water generally contracts lead from plumbing that has been connected with lead solder (outlawed in 1986) or from outdated water distribution lines. There are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk of lead in your drinking water.

Some sources suggest running your tap water for a couple of minutes before filling a glass to flush any accumulated lead from the water line (lead dissolves into standing water over time). This isn’t a foolproof solution, however, since there is no way of knowing whether all of the lead has been removed and since lead can still dissolve into running water.

Never use hot tap water to prepare drinks or meals. Hot water attracts more lead than cold water does. If you need hot water, heat cold tap water on the stove or in a microwave.

In their informational brochure “Living Lead Free,” the American Water Works Association recommends having your water tested for lead to find out whether you should take action. Your local Kinetico water expert can have your water analyzed by a laboratory and help you decipher the results.

Use a carbon drinking water filter or reverse osmosis system that has been certified to protect your drinking water from lead. Check that the manufacturer’s claims have been verified by the Water Quality Association or NSF International; not all systems are certified for lead reduction.

Studies have found that minerals in your drinking water essentially make no contribution to your health and may even be present in forms your body can’t absorb. Unfortunately, the myth that drinking water with minerals is healthy is perpetuated by companies that promote “mineral water”. In fact, the Water Quality Association, the trade association of the water treatment industry, prohibits health claims in any of its members’ literature and advertising.

Our R.O. system works with 3 filters and an RO membrane to offer you the purest water. As water passes through the first two filters in the system, it runs through a bed of activated carbon that removes chlorine, sediment, taste, odor, and harsh minerals. From there, water travels through the R.O. membrane that removes 99% of the dissolved solids and impurities. Finally, the water passes through a final carbon filter to remove any missed impurities providing you with the best, most pure water.

The membrane in your R.O. system is recommended to be changed every 3 to 5 years depending on your water quality and how hard your system works. Just as your car’s oil is changed based off the number of miles driven in order to keep it running at its best, your membrane must be changed in order for your R.O. system to work efficiently.

Yes and No. The rays are exposed directly to the water but the bulb is not. The UV light is located in the center of the filter, surrounded by a clear quartz sleeve. This sleeve protects the bulb, as the water passes round it. The sleeve is exposed directly to the water. The most effective way to penetrate water with the UV light is to expose outward radiants into the passing water and the UV rays penetrate the water to kill microorganisms.

The Quartz Sleeve is very delicate so should be treated with extra care. Cleaning varies from model to model – on most models it should be very carefully wiped down with a soft damp cloth each time the lamp is changed. But on other models it can be cleaned without being removed from the UV system or in other cases it is not possible and it should be discarded and replaced.

Yes, because the UV only kills the bacteria / virus and does not change the quality of the water, we always recommend that a sediment pre-filter and Carbon post-filter are used in connection with a UV lamp. This configuration makes a complete UV System.

No. The UV light only penetrates the water and is comparable to sunlight. There is no residue of any kind in water after it has been treated with the UV light. A note for caution: It is important to be careful when servicing a UV system so as not to expose yourself directly to the UV light.